FILM                       PRINT
1. Watch the film and answer the questions:

a. Why do roses have different colours?

b. How is it possible that inside a chocolate in a solid state there is some liquid filling?

c. What do chemistry and real life have in common?


2. Decide if the statements ale true (T), false (F) or we don't know (DK):

a. Boiling point for liquid nitrogen is -196 degrees.

b. Chocolate melts very well in your hands.

c. When people would like to make a perfume they should collect fragrance from roses only in the morning.

d. The colour of roses is connected with the strength of double bonds between two oxygen atoms.

e. Molecules of smell are very complicated.


3. Complete the gaps in the sentences:

a. The molecule of sugar consists of two .......................... drawn together by an .......................... atom in the middle.

b. The fragrance molecules are very .......................... .

c. They extracted the smell using .......................... a light form of petrol.

d. Carbon atoms can be linked by a .......................... between two carbon atoms, but sometimes you have a .......................... and occasionally you have a ........................... The line of the double bonds .......................... to colour.

e. Chocolate contains the compound .......................... very similar to caffeine. It is a .......................... and it is forbidden for ........................... .

f. When we take out the rose it breaks into little pieces because the water in the .......................... and .......................... has frozen.